
Welcome to the Orchid Guru! This site is a work in progress, and aims to collect and distil knowledge about orchid species, what they are, how and where they grow, and also how to look after them.The current content has been collected off the internet from various sources and processed using natural language processing and AI classification techniques.

Orchids are the most diverse plant family recorded, they show diversity in their flowering, growth patterns, reproduction and climates. They are a marvel, their flowers are a work of art, and their methods used to lure pollinators are cunning and unusual. They also show such adaptability to a range of environments and unique symbiosis to other species for their growth and reproduction.

To any grower, they can present a challenge, not just in merely keeping them alive, but in getting them to thrive, grow and flower. For any species regardless of it's requirements, there is a balance of light, humidity, moisture, and temperature that must be acheived. It can become a game, a passion, and an addiction, but even just the basic success in getting one plant to thrive can raise one's spirits and engage one's curiosity - what other orchids are out there? How do they grow? Where do they come from? That's what this site hopes to answer.

So please enjoy, but be warned - orchids can be addictive. As time goes by, more functionality will be added to the site, allowing you, as a user to participate. Stay tuned!