Brassia filomenoi
Also known as: Filomeno's Brassia in the subfamily: Epidendroideae
Native to: Loreto - Peru Region de San Martin - Peru
General Information
Filomeno's Brassia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Peru.
Grows at high elevations. Rainfall ranges from 33mm to 109mm per day, heaviest in September and lightest in November. Temperature ranges from 16C to 28C, highest in March (18C to 28C) and lowest in January (16C to 26C).
These orchids prefer a wet-dry cycle between waterings, they should be watered frequently but only when the moisture is approaching dryness, where the pot feels light and/or the media looks dry. Keep an eye on mounted orchids in warm weather as they may dehydrate quickly.