Calanthe discolor
Also known as: The Different Colored Calanthe or Calanthe discolor var. coreana Calanthe discolor var. tokunoshimensis Calanthe discolor var. kanashiroi Calanthe tokunoshimensis f. latilabella Calanthe discolor f. quinquelamellata Calanthe discolor f. kanashiroi Calanthe tyoh-harae Calanthe variegata Calanthe amamiana var. latilabellata Calanthe aristulifera var. amamiana Calanthe tokunoshimensis Calanthe amamiana Calanthe discolor var. divaricatipetala Calanthe coreana Calanthe discolor var. rosea Calanthe discolor var. discolor Calanthe discolor var. rufoaurantiaca Calanthe discolor f. rufoaurantiaca Calanthe discolor var. amamiana Calanthe discolor var. tyoh-harae Calanthe esquirolii Calanthe discolor var. viridialba Calanthe striata var. discolor Calanthe discolor f. viridialba Calanthe discolor f. tyoh-harae Calanthe lurida Calanthe discolor f. rosea Calanthe cheniana in the subfamily: Epidendroideae
Native to: Fujian - China Guangdong - China Japan Jiangsu - China
General Information
The Different Colored Calanthe is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to China and Japan.
Plant Description
Grows to 30cm. Each new growth has numerous thick elliptic, oblong shaped leaves that grow to 4-25cm long. Pseudobulbs grow to 1-10cm
- Fine
- Bark
- Charcoal
- Treefern
- Spaghnum Moss
- Perlite
- Sand
Grows at low to high elevations. Rainfall ranges from 41mm to 340mm per day, heaviest in June and lightest in January. Humidity ranges from 71% to 79%, highest in May and lowest in July. Temperature ranges from -5C to 30C, highest in July (18C to 30C) and lowest in January (-5C to 6C).
dormant-medium-demand-orchid Use balanced fertiliser during Spring and Summer. Apply fertiliser regularly at half strength year round. Use a high Nitrogen fertiliser during Spring and Summer. Use a high Phosphorous fertiliser during Summer.
Repotting is best done annually, in Spring and in a pot the same size or only slightly larger than the previous one.