Chiloschista usneoides
Also known as: Lichen in the subfamily: Epidendroideae
Native to: Nepal
General Information
Lichen is a miniature cool to warm growing epiphytic leafless orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Nepal.
Care Notes
This orchid is leafless so does best mounted, watering daily during warmer months and not so often during the cool months. Keep humidity high at all times to prevent roots from dying back, and provide gentle airflow to ensure that the roots do not gather mould and rot in cool weather. Because of their velamin coating the roots can withstand plenty of light, however it's best to keep them in the shade during hot weather so that the roots do not overheat.
Grows at high elevations. Rainfall ranges from 8mm to 798mm per day, heaviest in July and lightest in December. Humidity ranges from 73% to 95%, highest in July and lowest in March. Temperature ranges from 6C to 23C, highest in July (18C to 23C) and lowest in January (6C to 12C).
These orchids are sensitive to excessive watering and should only be watered when they look thirsty. Water infrequently and ensure that the roots are dry before watering. Keep an eye on them especially during hot weather as overwatering can lead to rot, whereas underwatering may result in wilting or shriveling, which while unattractive, will not kill the plant.
Keep moisture levels up during hot weather as the plant is prone to dehydrationFertiliser
dormant-medium-demand-orchid Use balanced fertiliser year round. Apply fertiliser regularly at half strength year round.
Due to the growth nature of these plants they are best mounted onto cork, tree fern slabs, or even trees if the climate suits. Water regularly especially in hot weather.
This plant does well mounted.