
General Information

Cyclopogon albopunctatus
Cyclopogon albopunctatus is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon alpestris
Cyclopogon alpestris is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon aphyllus
The Leafless Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon apricus
The Sun Loving Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

Cyclopogon argyrotaenius
The Silvery Leaved Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Colombia and Ecuador.

Cyclopogon bangii
Cyclopogon bangii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon bicolor
The Two is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Brazil, Argentina and Puerto Rico.

Cyclopogon bidentatus
Cyclopogon bidentatus is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon bifidus
Cyclopogon bifidus is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon bradei
Cyclopogon bradei is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon calophyllus
The Beautiful Leafed Cyclopogon is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Argentina and Brazil.

Cyclopogon carinianus
The Cariniana Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. The name refers to a tree which this species is often found in Association with.

Cyclopogon cearensis
The Ceara' Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a State of northeastern Brazil.

Cyclopogon chloroleucus
The Green and White Cyclopogon is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the refrersd to the leaves.

Cyclopogon comosus
The Hirsute Cyclopogon is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Belize, Honduras and Mexico.

Cyclopogon condoranus
The Condor Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. The name refers to the Cordillera del Condor, Morona-Santiago Ecuador where this species occurs.

Cyclopogon congestus
The Congested Cyclopogon is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

Cyclopogon cranichoides
The Cranichis is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Bahamas, Cuba, Honduras, Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Haiti.

Cyclopogon cuspidatus
Cyclopogon cuspidatus is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon densiflorus
Cyclopogon densiflorus is a hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon dressleri
Dressler's Cyclopogon is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Panama. It is named after the American Botanist and Collector in Costa Rica and Panama.

Cyclopogon dusenii
Cyclopogon dusenii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon dutrae
Dutra's Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the Brazilian Orchid Collector in the 1900's.

Cyclopogon elatus
The Stately Cyclopogon is a hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.

Cyclopogon elegans
The Elegant Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon ellipticus
The Elliptic Cyclopogon is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Ecuador.

Cyclopogon epiphyticum
Cyclopogon epiphyticum is a miniature warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon epiphyticus
The Epiphytic Cyclopogon is a miniature warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Ecuador. The name refers to it’s occuring on trees.

Cyclopogon estradae
Estrada's Cyclopogon is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon eugenii
Eugene's Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the Brazilian Orchid Collector in the 1900's.

Cyclopogon gracilis
The Graceful Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon graciliscapus
The Graceful Inflorescence Cyclopogon

Flower Size is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon hatschbachii
Hatchbach's Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the Brazilian Orchid Collector early in the 1900's.

Cyclopogon hennisianus
Hennis' Cyclopogon is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Colombia. It is named after the German Orchid Collector South America in the 19th century.

Cyclopogon hirtzii
Hirtz's Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the Ecuadorian Original Collector of species.

Cyclopogon iguapensis
The Iguape Cyclopogon is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a city in coastal Sao Paulo Brazil.

Cyclopogon inaequilaterus
The Unequal Cyclopogon is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Ecuador.

Cyclopogon itatiaiensis
The Itatiaia Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a town In Rio de Janiero state of Brazil.

Cyclopogon langei
Cyclopogon langei is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon lindleyanum
Cyclopogon lindleyanum is a miniature warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon lindleyanus
Lindley's Cyclopogon is a miniature warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Colombia. It is named after the English Botanist in the 19th century.

Cyclopogon luerorum
The Luers' Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the American Pleurothallidinae experts.

Cyclopogon macer
The Meager Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon maderoi
Cyclopogon maderoi is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon maldonadoanus
The Maldonado Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a town in Carchi Ecuador.

Cyclopogon millei
Mille's Cyclopogon is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Colombia. It is named after the American Orchid Enthusiast and Collector in South America earlier in the 1900's.

Cyclopogon minutiflorus
Cyclopogon minutiflorus is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon miradorensis
The Mirador Cyclopogon is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Guatemala and Honduras.

Cyclopogon monophyllus
Cyclopogon monophyllus is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon moyobambae
Cyclopogon moyobambae is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon obliquus
Cyclopogon obliquus is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon oliganthus
The Sparsely Blooming Cyclopogon is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon olivaceus
The Olive is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Colombia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, and Panama.

Cyclopogon pamii
Cyclopogon pamii is a miniature warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon papilio
Cyclopogon papilio is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon pelagalloanus
The Pelagallo Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a locality in Ecuador.

Cyclopogon peruvianus
The Peruvian Cyclopogon is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Colombia.

Cyclopogon plantagineus
The Plantago Cyclopogon is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon polyaden
The Many Glanded Cyclopogon is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon prasophylloides
The Prasophyllum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Guatemala.

Cyclopogon prasophyllum
Cyclopogon prasophyllum is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon prasophyllus
The Leek is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Belize, Colombia, Honduras, and Mexico.

Cyclopogon procerus
Cyclopogon procerus is a small to medium sized cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon pubescens
Cyclopogon pubescens is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon pululahuanus
The Mt. Pululahua Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a mountain in Ecuaor.

Cyclopogon rotundifolius
Cyclopogon rotundifolius is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon saxicola
Cyclopogon saxicola is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon secundum
The Secund Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon sillarensis
The El Sillar Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a town In Cochabambae department of Bolivia.

Cyclopogon spiranthoides
Cyclopogon spiranthoides is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon stictophyllus
Cyclopogon stictophyllus is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon storeri
Cyclopogon storeri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon subalpestris
The Almost Alpine Cyclopogon is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Argentina.

Cyclopogon tandapianus
The Tandapi Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a town in Pichincha Ecuador.

Cyclopogon taquaremboensis
The Taquarembo Cyclopogon

Flower Size is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after a town in Rio do Sul Brazil.

Cyclopogon torusus
Cyclopogon torusus is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon truncatus
The Truncate Cyclopogon is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Brazil. The name refers to the truncate lip.

Cyclopogon variegatus
The Variegated Cyclopogon is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae native to Brazil.

Cyclopogon venustus
The Beautiful Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae.

Cyclopogon werffii
Werf's Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the Dutch botanist At Missouri Botanical Garden and Original Collector of species.

Cyclopogon williamsii
William's Cyclopogon is an orchid belonging to the sub family Spiranthoideae. It is named after the American Orchid Botanist and collector of species.

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