Dracula adrianae
Adriana's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Dutch wife of Mr Sijm cultivator of orchid.
General Information
Dracula agnosia
The Unknown Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to its undescribed status and similarity to D olmosii.
Dracula alcithoe
Alcithoe's Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after a woman in greek mythology that was turned into a bat.
Dracula amaliae
Amalia's Dracula is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Sra Lehmann de Sarria Colombian grandaughter of Orchid Collector in the 1900's.
Dracula andreettae
Andreeta's Dracula is a small cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Ecuadorian Orchid Collecttor 20th cen..
Dracula anicula
Dracula anicula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula anthracina
The Coal is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula antonii
Anton's Masdevallia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Dutch Orchid Enthusiast - Mr A Sijm.
Dracula aphrodes
The Foamy Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. The name refers to the epichile of the lip.
Dracula astuta
The Clever Dracula is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Reichenbach made this allusion and it is unclear as to what he meant.
Dracula barrowii
Barrow's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Peru. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast Current.
Dracula bella
The Beautiful Dracula is a small sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula bellerophon
Bellerophon is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the In Greek Mythology Pegasus' rider who slew the Chimaera.
Dracula benedicti
Dracula benedicti is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula benedictii
Bennedict's Dracula is a sympodial cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Roezl, Bohemian Orchid Collector and discoverer of species.
Dracula berthae
Bertha's Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Sra. Bertha Lasema de Bogata Colombia.
Dracula brangeri
Branger's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Netherland's Orchid Collector in the 1900's.
Dracula burbidgeana
Dracula burbidgeana is a cold to cool growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula callifera
Dracula callifera is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula callithrix
The Titi Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the Mamillian genus Callithrix and to the flowers allusion to the face of a Titi or small white South American Monkey which belongs to that genus.
Dracula carcinopsis
The Crab Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula carderi
Dracula carderi is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula carderiopsis
Dracula carderiopsis is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula carlueri
Carl Luer's Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the American Pleurothallidinae King Current.
Dracula chestertonii
Chesterson's Dracula is a miniature sympodial cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the English Orchid Collector in Colombia in the 19th century.
Dracula chimaera
The Chimaera Dracula is a small sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Mythical Monster.
Dracula chiroptera
The Bat Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Chiroptera refers to the order that bats are in taxonomically.
Dracula christineana
Christina's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Mrs Chowning American Orchid Enthusiast Current.
Dracula circe
Circe's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Mythological Siren of Greece.
Dracula citrina
The Lemon is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula cochliops
The Snail Eyed Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the sepals protruding and resembling the eyes on stalks of snails.
Dracula cordobae
Cordoba's Dracula is a medium sized sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after a Colombian City.
Dracula cutis-bufonis
The Toad Skin Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the warty sepals.
Dracula dalessandroi
D'alessandro's Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Ecuadorian Orchid Enthusiast Present.
Dracula dalströmii
Dracula dalströmii is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula dalstroemii
Dalstroem's Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Swedish Botanist and Orchid Painter late in the 1900's.
Dracula decussata
The Crossed Dracula is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the crossed tails.
Dracula deltoidea
The Triangular Dracula is a cold growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula deniseana
Denise's Masdevallia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Peru. It is named after the English Nurserywoman Mrs Barrow.
Dracula dens-canis
The Dog's Tooth Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula diabola
The Devilish Dracula is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula diana
Diana's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Roman Goddess of the moon refers to the white round flowers.
Dracula dodsonii
Dodson's Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the American Orchid Taxomonist Ecuador.
Dracula erythrochaete
The Red is a miniature sympodial cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Panama and Costa Rica.
Dracula erythrocodon
The Red Bell Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the campanulate red flower.
Dracula exasperata
The Smooth Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula fafnir
The Dragon Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to Fafnir a dragon of Icelandic Lore.
Dracula felix
The Fruitful Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the many capsules this species can produce.
Dracula fernandezii
Fernandez's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the French collector of this species.
Dracula fuligifera
The Black Strewn Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. The name refers to the sepals.
Dracula fuliginosa
The Sooty Dracula is a cold to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula gaskelliana
Dracula gaskelliana is a miniature cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula gastrophora
The Belly Carrying Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the epichile of the lip.
Dracula gerhardii
Gerhard's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Gerhard Vierling Dutch Orchid Enthusiast.
Dracula gigas
The Gigantic Dracula is a large cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula gorgo
Dracula gorgo is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula gorgona
The Gorgona Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Mythical Greek Monster.
Dracula gorgonella
The Little Gorgon Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula hawleyi
Hawley's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the American co-discoverer of species in the 1900's.
Dracula hirsuta
The Hairy Dracula is a miniature cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. The name refers to the sepals.
Dracula hirtzii
Hirtz's Dracula is a sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia and Ecuador. It is named after the German Orchid Collector in Ecuador.
Dracula houtteana
Houtte's Dracula is a sympodial cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Belgian Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Dracula hubeinii
Dracula hubeinii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula immunda
The Unclean Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the white sepals stained and spotted with purple.
Dracula inaequalis
The Unequaled Dracula is a cold to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula incognita
The Unknown Dracula Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the lack of collection data.
Dracula inexperata
The Unexpected Dracula is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the discovery of this showy species in a very visited spot.
Dracula insolita
The Strange Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the erect inflorescence.
Dracula iricolor
The Rainbow Dracula is a sympodial cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia and Ecuador.
Dracula janetiae
Janet's Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Peru. The name refers to Mrs Kuhn, Discoverer of species.
Dracula kareniae
Karen's Dracula is a miniature cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula lactea
Dracula lactea is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula lafleuri
Dracula lafleuri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula lafleurii
La Fluer's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Co Discoverer of Species Current.
Dracula lehmanniana
Lehmann's Dracula {German Orchid Collector in Andes late 1800's] is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula lemurella
The Lemur is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula leonum
The Lyon's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Peru. It is named after the American Orchid Enthusiasts.
Dracula levii
Levi's Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the American Discoverer of species in the 1900's.
Dracula ligiae
Ligia's Dracula is a sympodial cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula lindstroemii
Lindstroem's Dracula is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Swedish Orchid Enthusiast and dicoverer of species cxurrent.
Dracula lotax
The Clown Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula lowii
Dracula lowii is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula maduroi
Maduro's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Panama. It is named after the Panamanian Nurseryman.
Dracula mantissa
The Little Addition Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the small flowers.
Dracula marieae
Marie's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula marinii
Marin's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula marsupialis
The Marsupial Like Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the pouched lip, like a Kangaroo would have.
Dracula medellinensis
Dracula medellinensis is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula mendozae
Mendoza's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Panamanian cocolletor of species late in the 1900's.
Dracula microglochin
Dracula microglochin is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula minax
The Threatening Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the face in the flower.
Dracula mopsus
The Pug is a miniature to small sized sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula morleyi
Morley's Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Dr Read, English Orchid Enthusiast and Director of the Los Cedros Reserve in Ecuador Current.
Dracula mosquerae
Dracula mosquerae is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula navarroorum
Navarro's Dracula is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Ecuadorian Orchid Enthusiast.
Dracula navarrorum
Dracula navarrorum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula niesseniae
Dracula niesseniae is a sympodial warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula nigritella
The Little Black Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula nosferatu
The Nosferatu Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula nycterina
The Bat is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula octavioi
Octavio's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. The name refers to Brother Ospina Peruvian Orchid Enthusiast current and discoverer of species.
Dracula olmosii
Olmos' Dracula is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Panama. It is named after the Panamanian Orchid Collector of species.
Dracula ophioceps
The The Snake is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the callus shape with two teeth.
Dracula orientalis
The Eastern Dracula {The Easternmost Dracula] is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula ortiziana
Otriz's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Colombia Priest - Father Pedro Ortiz Current and a personal friend.
Dracula papillosa
The Pappilate Dracula is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the very verrucose elongate pepals.
Dracula pholeodytes
The Cave is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the central apparatus within the deeply cupped black interior of the flower.
Dracula pileus
The Cap Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the lips similarity to an inverted cap of a mushroom.
Dracula platycrater
The Broad is a sympodial cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. The name refers to the shape of the epichile.
Dracula polyphemus
The Cyclops Dracula is a sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula portillae
Portilla's Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Mario Portilla - Ecuadorian Orchid Curator and Discoverer of species.
Dracula posadarum
Posada's Dracula is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Colombian Orchid Nurseryman.
Dracula presbys
The Old Man Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the white hairs on the face of the flower.
Dracula psittacina
The Parrot Dracula is a sympodial cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the probably an allusion for the flower bud.
Dracula psitticina
The Parrot Dracula is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the probably an allusion for the flower bud.
Dracula psyche
The Butterfly is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula pubescens
The Hairy Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula pusilla
The Small Flowered Dracula is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia, Honduras and Mexico.
Dracula quilichaoensis
Dracula quilichaoensis is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula radiella
the Little Radiating Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the radiating lamelae inside the epichile of the lip and the similarity to the larger flowered D radiosa.
Dracula radiosa
The Radiating Dracula is a sympodial cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. The name refers to the lip.
Dracula radio-syndactyla
Dracula radio-syndactyla is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula rezekiana
Rezek's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Ecuadorian orchid enthusiast Late in the 1900's.
Dracula ripleyana
Ripley's Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the American Orchid Enthusiast in the 1900's.
Dracula robledorum
Robledo's Dracula is a large cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Dr & Sra Oscar Robledo Colombian Orchid Enthusiasts Current.
Dracula roezlii
Roezl's Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Bohemian Orchid Collector in South America in the 19th century.
Dracula rojasii
Rojas' Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Colombian Orchid Enthusiast.
Dracula saulii
Saul's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Peru.
Dracula schudelii
Schudel's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the American Cultivator of species Current.
Dracula senex-furens
The Angry Old Man Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the an allusion to the white and red portions of the sepals to an angry old man.
Dracula senilis
Dracula senilis is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula sergioi
Sergio's Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Padre Restrepo - Colombian Orchid Enthusiast and Priest late in the 1900's.
Dracula severa
The Sharp Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the pubescense that arises from points instead of warts.
Dracula sibundoyensis
The Sibundoy Dracula is a sympodial cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia and Ecuador. It is named after the An area in Putomayo COlombia.
Dracula sijmii
Sijm's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Dutch Original Collector of Species.
Dracula simia
The Monkey is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula smaug
Smaug's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the An allusion to the fire breathing dragon of the golden palace under Lonely Mountain in JRR Tolkein's The Hobbit.
Dracula soderoi
Dracula soderoi is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula sodiroi
Sodiro's Dracula is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after a reference to the campanulate flower.
Dracula soennemarkii
Sonnenmark's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Swedish Orchid Enthusiast and discoverer of species.
Dracula spectrum
The Wide Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula syndactyla
The Fused Fingered Dracula is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula tarantula
Dracula tarantula is a miniature cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula terborchii
Terborch's Dracula is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Dutch Orchid Enthusiast.
Dracula tobarii
Tobar's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Ecuadorian Orchid Enthusiast and Collector of species Current.
Dracula trichroma
Dracula trichroma is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula trigonopetala
The Triangular Petal Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula trinema
Dracula trinema is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula trinympharum
The Three Nymph Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. The name refers to the three owners of J&L Orchids who helped in the discovery of this species.
Dracula troglodytes
Dracula troglodytes is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula tsubotae
Mrs. Tsubota's Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Colombian Orchid Dealer, Eva's Orchids - Pereira.
Dracula tubeana
The Tubed is a miniature sympodial cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula ubangina
The Black Dracula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula vagabunda
Dracula vagabunda is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula vampira
The Vampire is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador.
Dracula veleziana
Velez's Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Colombian Orchid Nusrseryman's mother.
Dracula velutina
The Velvety Dracula is a sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula venefica
The Poisonous Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula venosa
The Veined Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula verticulosa
Refers to forming Small Whorls is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula vespertilio
The Bat is a miniature cold to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.
Dracula vierlingii
Vierling's Dracula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the German Collector of species.
Dracula villegasii
Villegas' Dracula is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Colombian Orchid Nurseyman.
Dracula vinacea
The Wine Red Dracula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Dracula vlad-tepes
Vlad Tepes Dracula is a sympodial cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia. It is named after the Real Romanian Dracula.
Dracula wallisii
Wallis' Dracula is a cold to cool growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the German Orchid Collector in the 19th century.
Dracula woolwardiae
Woolward's Dracula is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ecuador. It is named after the Englishwoman Painter and Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Dracula xenos
The Strange Dracula is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Colombia.