Herschelianthe atropurpurea
Herschelianthe atropurpurea is a cold to cool growing orchid.
General Information
Herschelianthe bachmanniana
Herschelianthe bachmanniana is a cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe barbata
Herschelianthe barbata is a cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe baurii
Herschelianthe baurii is a cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe charpentieriana
Herschelianthe charpentieriana is a cold growing orchid.
Herschelianthe chimanimaniensis
Herschelianthe chimanimaniensis is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe excelsa
Herschelianthe excelsa is a small to large cold to warm growing terrestrial orchid.
Herschelianthe graminifolia
Herschelianthe graminifolia is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe hamatopetala
Herschelianthe hamatopetala is a cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe hians
Herschelianthe hians is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe lacera
Herschelianthe lacera is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe longilabris
Herschelianthe longilabris is a cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe lugens
Herschelianthe lugens is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe multifida
Herschelianthe multifida is a cold growing orchid.
Herschelianthe purpurascens
Herschelianthe purpurascens is a cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe spathulata
Herschelianthe spathulata is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe tripartita
Herschelianthe tripartita is a cold to cool growing orchid.
Herschelianthe venusta
Herschelianthe venusta is a cold to cool growing orchid.