Liparis stricklandiana
Also known as: Strickland's Liparis or Liparis griffithii Liparis stricklandiana var. longibracteata Leptorkis griffithii Liparis malleiformis Liparis dolabella Leptorkis dolabella Liparis chloroxantha in the subfamily: Epidendroideae
Native to: Bhutan Hong Kong
General Information
Strickland's Liparis is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Bhutan and Hong Kong. It is named after the Flowered the type of species in in the 19th century.
Plant Description
Each new growth has numerous lance shaped leaves
Numerous blossoms appear during Autumn and Winter
Blooming Season
- Autumn
- Winter
Grows at low to high elevations.