
General Information

Oeceoclades ambongensis
The Ambongo Oeceoclades is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after a town in Madagascar.

Oeceoclades ampullacea
Oeceoclades ampullacea is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades angustifolia
The Thin Leafed Oeceoclades is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Madagascar.

Oeceoclades antsingyensis
The Tsingy Occuring Oeceoclades is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades aurea
Oeceoclades aurea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades boinensis
The Snake is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Boine snake group - refers tothe idea that the leaf varigation is similar to the snake.

Oeceoclades calcarata
The Spurred Oeceoclades is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades cordylinophylla
The Cordyline is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Madagascar. It is named after a plant in the Lilacaeae.

Oeceoclades decaryana
Decary's Oeceoclades is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Kenya, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. It is named after the French Orchid Enthusiast in Madagascar early in the 1900's.

Oeceoclades falcata
Oeceoclades falcata is a small cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades flexuosa
Oeceoclades flexuosa is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades funalis
Oeceoclades funalis is a medium sized warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades gracillima
Oeceoclades gracillima is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades guineensis
Oeceoclades guineensis is a large warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades javanica
Oeceoclades javanica is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades lavergneae
Lavergne's Oeceoclades is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the French Orchid Enthusiast and Orchid discoverer.

Oeceoclades lindleyi
Oeceoclades lindleyi is a small cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades lonchophylla
The Spear is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Mozambique.

Oeceoclades mackenii
Oeceoclades mackenii is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades maculata
The Spotted Oeceoclades is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Angola, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Puerto Rico, South Africa, and Uganda. It is named after the Cow's tongue.

Oeceoclades monophylla
The Single is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades pandurata
The Fiddle is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Zimbabwe.

Oeceoclades paniculata
Oeceoclades paniculata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades paraguayensis
Oeceoclades paraguayensis is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades parviflora
Oeceoclades parviflora is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades petiolata
The Petiolate Leaf Oeceoclades is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades peyrotii
Peyrot's Angraecum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the French Botanist in Madagascar in the 1900's.

Oeceoclades pulchra
Oeceoclades pulchra is a medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades pusilla
Oeceoclades pusilla is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades quadriloba
The 4 is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Zimbabwe. The name refers to the lip.

Oeceoclades rauhii
Rauh's Oeceoclades is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the German Bromeliad expert in Madagascar in the 1900's.

Oeceoclades retzii
Oeceoclades retzii is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades roseovariegata
The Variegated Rose Oeceoclades is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades saundersiana
Saunder's Oeceoclades is a medium sized warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Angola, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 1900's.

Oeceoclades spathulifera
The Shining Spots Oeceoclades is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades tenera
Oeceoclades tenera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.

Oeceoclades ugandae
The Ugandan Oeceoclades is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Ghana and Uganda.

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