Paphiopedilum acmodontum
The Pointed Tooth Paphiopedilum is a medium sized sympodial warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. The name refers to the teeth-like projections on the lip.
General Information
Paphiopedilum adductum
refers to the strongly adducted staminode is a small warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum aestivum
Paphiopedilum aestivum is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum affine
The Similar Paphiopedium is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum agusii
Agus' Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Agus Marup, Indonesian nursery owner.
Paphiopedilum amabile
Paphiopedilum amabile is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum ang-thong
Paphiopedilum ang-thong is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum angustatum
Paphiopedilum angustatum is a cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum angustifolium
Paphiopedilum angustifolium is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum anitanum
Paphiopedilum anitanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum anitum
Anita’s Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Wife of Gus Benk Discoverer of species in central Sulawesi.
Paphiopedilum appletonianum
Appleton's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Cambodia, China and Thailand. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum aranianum
Paphiopedilum aranianum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum areeanum
Paphiopedilum areeanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum argus
Argus Paphiopedilum is a medium sized sympodial warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after a reference to the greek myth of Argus, a hundred eyed monster, similar to the spotting on the petals.
Paphiopedilum armeniacum
The Apricot Orange Paphiopedilum is a dwarf sympodial cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China.
Paphiopedilum aspersum
Paphiopedilum aspersum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum ayubianum
Paphiopedilum ayubianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum barbatocharlesworthii
Paphiopedilum barbatocharlesworthii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum barbatum
The Bearded Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand.
Paphiopedilum barbigerum
The Beard Carrying Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China.
Paphiopedilum bellatulum
The Enchanting Paphiopedilum is a small sympodial warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand.
Paphiopedilum besseae
Paphiopedilum besseae is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum beyrodtianum
Paphiopedilum beyrodtianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum birkii
Paphiopedilum birkii is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum bodegomii
Bodegon's Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Dutch Orchid Collector in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum boissierianum
Paphiopedilum boissierianum is a large cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum bougainvilleanum
The Bougainville Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the An Island that is Part of New Guinea, just north of the Solomon Islands .
Paphiopedilum bougainvillianum
Paphiopedilum bougainvillianum is a medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum boxalli
Boxall's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Collector in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum boxallii
Paphiopedilum boxallii is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum braemii
Braem's Paphiopedium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Belgian Taxomonist 21st cen.
Paphiopedilum brevilabium
Paphiopedilum brevilabium is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum bullenianum
Bullen's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Malaysia. It is named after the English Orchid Gardener in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum bundtianum
Paphiopedilum bundtianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum bungebelangi
Paphiopedilum bungebelangi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum burbidgei
Paphiopedilum burbidgei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum burmanicum
Paphiopedilum burmanicum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum callosobarbatum
Paphiopedilum callosobarbatum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum callosum
The Callus Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Cambodia and Thailand. It is named after the Chiang Mai.
Paphiopedilum canhii
Canh's Paphiopedium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Vietnamese Orchid Enthusiast Current.
Paphiopedilum caobangense
Paphiopedilum caobangense is a small cold to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum caricinum
Paphiopedilum caricinum is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum caudatum
Paphiopedilum caudatum is a large cool to warm growing epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum celebense
Paphiopedilum celebense is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum celebesense
Paphiopedilum celebesense is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum celebesensis
The Celebes Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum cerveranum
Paphiopedilum cerveranum is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum
Chamberlain's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized intermediate to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Grower.
Paphiopedilum chaoi
Paphiopedilum chaoi is a cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum charlesworthii
The Charlesworth Paphiopedilum is a sympodial cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China, Myanmar and Thailand. It is named after the English Orchid Nursery.
Paphiopedilum chiwuanum
Paphiopedilum chiwuanum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum ciliolare
The Short Haired Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. The name refers to the hairs found in the pouch.
Paphiopedilum coccineum
The Brick is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum concolor
The One Colored Paphiopedilum is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Cambodia, China and Thailand.
Paphiopedilum cornuatum
The Horned Paphiopedium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China.
Paphiopedilum cothurnum
Paphiopedilum cothurnum is a large warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum crossianum
Paphiopedilum crossianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum crossii
Paphiopedilum crossii is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum curtisii
Curtis' Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Grower.
Paphiopedilum czerwiakowianum
Paphiopedilum czerwiakowianum is a large cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum dalatense
Paphiopedilum dalatense is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum dayanum
Day's Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum delenatii
Delanat's Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the French Orchid Enthusiast in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum delicatum
Paphiopedilum delicatum is a small cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum densissimum
Paphiopedilum densissimum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum devogelii
Paphiopedilum devogelii is a small warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum dianthum
The Double Flowered Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China.
Paphiopedilum dilectum
Paphiopedilum dilectum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum dixlerianum
Paphiopedilum dixlerianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum dodyanum
Dody's Paphiopedilum {Indonesian Dody Nugroho is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum dollii
Paphiopedilum dollii is a cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum druryi
Drury's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Officer In India in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum ecuadorense
Paphiopedilum ecuadorense is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum elliottianum
Paphiopedilum elliottianum is a large warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum emersonii
Emerson's Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China. It is named after the American Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum endymion
Paphiopedilum endymion is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum epidendricum
Paphiopedilum epidendricum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum erythroanthum
Paphiopedilum erythroanthum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum esquirolei
Paphiopedilum esquirolei is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum esquirolii
Esquirol's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Collector and discoverer of this variety.
Paphiopedilum expansum
Paphiopedilum expansum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum exstaminodium
Paphiopedilum exstaminodium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum exul
The Excluded Paphiopedilum is a small to medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand.
Paphiopedilum fairieanum
Paphiopedilum fairieanum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum
Fairrie's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Bhutan and India. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum fanaticum
Paphiopedilum fanaticum is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum fowliei
Fowlie's Paphiopedilum is a sympodial warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the American Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum frankeanum
Paphiopedilum frankeanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum gardineri
Paphiopedilum gardineri is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum gigantifolium
The Giant is a hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum glanduliferum
The Gland is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum
The Shiny Green Leaf Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum globulosum
Paphiopedilum globulosum is a small warm growing epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum godefroyae
Mrs. Godefroy's Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand. It is named after the French Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum gratrixianum
Gratix's Paphiopedilum is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum grussianum
Paphiopedilum grussianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum grussii
Paphiopedilum grussii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum guangdongense
Paphiopedilum guangdongense is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hainaense
Paphiopedilum hainaense is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hainanense
Paphiopedilum hainanense is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hangianum
Hang's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Original Vietnamese exporter of species.
Paphiopedilum hartwegii
Paphiopedilum hartwegii is a medium to large sized warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum haynaldianum
Haynald's Paphiopedilum is a large warm to hot growing epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Hungarian Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum helenae
Ellen's Paphiopedilum is a small cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China. It is named after the Ellen Wilson, American Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum hennisianum
Hennis' Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the German Orchid Collector.
Paphiopedilum henryanum
Henry's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China. It is named after the Irish Plant Collector in China.
Paphiopedilum hermanii
Paphiopedilum hermanii is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum herrmannii
Paphiopedilum herrmannii is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hiepii
Paphiopedilum hiepii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hilmarii
Paphiopedilum hilmarii is a cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hincksianum
Paphiopedilum hincksianum is a medium to large sized warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum
Esquirol's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to India, China and Thailand. It is named after the English Orchid Collector and discoverer of this variety.
Paphiopedilum hirtzii
Paphiopedilum hirtzii is a medium sized warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum holdenii
Paphiopedilum holdenii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum hookerae
Hooker's Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Director Of Kew in England in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum huonglanae
Paphiopedilum huonglanae is a small warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum iago
Paphiopedilum iago is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum inamorii
Inamori's Paphiopedilum is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Japanese Orchid Enthusiast and Filmmaker.
Paphiopedilum insigne
The Splendid Paphiopedilum is a sympodial cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to India and Bangladesh.
Paphiopedilum intaniae
The Intani Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum jackii
Jack's Paphiopedium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum javanicum
The Java Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum johorense
Paphiopedilum johorense is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum johorensis
Paphiopedilum johorensis is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum josianae
Paphiopedilum josianae is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum kaieteurum
Paphiopedilum kaieteurum is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum kalinae
Paphiopedilum kalinae is a medium sized warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum keyesianum
Paphiopedilum keyesianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum kimballianum
Paphiopedilum kimballianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum klotzschianum
Paphiopedilum klotzschianum is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum kolopakingii
Kolopaking's Paphiopedilum is a large warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Javanese Orchid Collector late in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum laevigatum
Paphiopedilum laevigatum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum
Lawrence's Paphiopedilum is a small hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum lawrencianum
Paphiopedilum lawrencianum is a small hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum leeanum
Paphiopedilum leeanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum leucochilum
The White Lipped Paphiopedium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the In Thailand Rongthao nan luang phang-nga.
Paphiopedilum liemianum
Liem's Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Chinese Orchid Collector in Indonesia.
Paphiopedilum lindenii
Paphiopedilum lindenii is a large warm growing epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum lindleyanum
Paphiopedilum lindleyanum is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum linii
Paphiopedilum linii is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum littleanum
Paphiopedilum littleanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum longifolium
Paphiopedilum longifolium is a medium to large sized warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum lowii
Low's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum lunatum
Paphiopedilum lunatum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum lynniae
Paphiopedilum lynniae is a medium sized warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum macfarlanei
Paphiopedilum macfarlanei is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum macranthum
Paphiopedilum macranthum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum madiotanum
Paphiopedilum madiotanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum malipoense
The Malipo Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China. It is named after the Area in China.
Paphiopedilum markianum
Mark's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the American Orchid Enthusiast later in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum mastersianum
Master's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Magazine Publisher in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum mattesii
Paphiopedilum mattesii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum maudiae
Paphiopedilum maudiae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum micranthum
The Tiny Flowered Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China.
Paphiopedilum microchilum
Paphiopedilum microchilum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum mindanaense
Paphiopedilum mindanaense is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum mirabile
Paphiopedilum mirabile is a cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum mohrianum
Paphiopedilum mohrianum is a medium sized warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum moquetteanum
Moquette's Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Javanese Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum moquettianum
Paphiopedilum moquettianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum multifolium
Paphiopedilum multifolium is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum myanmaricum
Paphiopedilum myanmaricum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum nataschae
Paphiopedilum nataschae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum nigritum
The Blackish Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum niveum
The Snow is a dwarf warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Singapore and Thailand.
Paphiopedilum notatisepalum
Paphiopedilum notatisepalum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum ooii
Ooi's Paphiopedilum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Malaysia. It is named after the Malysian Orchid Nurseryman and orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum papilio-laoticus
Paphiopedilum papilio-laoticus is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum papuanum
The Papua Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum pardinum
Paphiopedilum pardinum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum parishii
Parish's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand. It is named after the English Orchid Collector in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum parnatanum
Parnata's Paphiopedilum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum paulistanum
Paphiopedilum paulistanum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum pearcei
Paphiopedilum pearcei is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum pereirae
Paphiopedilum pereirae is a dwarf warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum petchleungianum
Paphiopedilum petchleungianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum petri
Paphiopedilum petri is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum philippinense
The Philippines Paphiopedilum is an intermediate to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum platyphyllum
The Broad is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum polystigmaticum
Paphiopedilum polystigmaticum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum potentianum
Paphiopedilum potentianum is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum powellii
Paphiopedilum powellii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum pradhanii
Paphiopedilum pradhanii is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum praestans
The Outstanding Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum primulinum
The Primrose Yellow Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum puberulum
Paphiopedilum puberulum is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum purpurascens
The Purple Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum purpuratum
The Purple Paphiopedilum is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China and Hong Kong.
Paphiopedilum purpurescens
Paphiopedilum purpurescens is a small warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum qingyongii
Paphiopedilum qingyongii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum randsii
Rands' Paphiopedilum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Philippines. It is named after the American Orchid Gardener.
Paphiopedilum reticulatum
Paphiopedilum reticulatum is a large cool to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum rhizomatosum
Paphiopedilum rhizomatosum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum richardianum
Richard's Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Richard Topper American Orchid Enthusiast 20th century.
Paphiopedilum robinsonianum
Robinson's Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the British Taxomonist and field botanist specializing in Carnovorous plants.
Paphiopedilum robinsonii
Paphiopedilum robinsonii is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum roebbelenii
Robbelen's Paphiopedilum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the German Orchid Collector in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum roebelenii
Paphiopedilum roebelenii is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum roebelinii
Paphiopedilum roebelinii is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum roezlii
Paphiopedilum roezlii is a medium to large sized warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum rohmanii
Paphiopedilum rohmanii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum rothschildianum
Rothschild's Paphiopedilum is a large warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Orchid Grower Banking Family in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum rungsuriyanum
Paphiopedilum rungsuriyanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum saccopetalum
Paphiopedilum saccopetalum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum sanderianum
Sander's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized hot growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Gaqrdener.
Paphiopedilum sangii
Sang's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the German Orchid Enthusiast.
Paphiopedilum sargentianum
Paphiopedilum sargentianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum schlimii
Paphiopedilum schlimii is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum schoseri
Schoser's Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the German Botanist.
Paphiopedilum sedenii
Paphiopedilum sedenii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum shipwayae
Paphiopedilum shipwayae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum siamense
Paphiopedilum siamense is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum singchii
Paphiopedilum singchii is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum sinicum
Paphiopedilum sinicum is a small cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum smaragdinum
Paphiopedilum smaragdinum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum socco
Paphiopedilum socco is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum spicerianum
Spicer's Paphiopedilum is a small cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to India. It is named after the English Officer in India in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum spicero-venustum
Paphiopedilum spicero-venustum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum sriwanae
Paphiopedilum sriwanae is a medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum sriwaniae
Paphiopedilum sriwaniae is a medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum stenolomum
Paphiopedilum stenolomum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum stonei
Stone's Paphiopedilum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Gardener For Mr. Day in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum striatum
Paphiopedilum striatum is a warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum sublaeve
Paphiopedilum sublaeve is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum sugiyamanum
Sugiyama's Paphiopedilum is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Japanense orchid Enthusiast and discoverer of species.
Paphiopedilum sukhakulii
Sukhakul's Paphiopedilum is a sympodial cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand. It is named after the Thai Orchid Collector.
Paphiopedilum supardii
Supard's Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Indonesian Orchid Collector.
Paphiopedilum superbiens
The Outstanding Paphiopedilum is a small intermediate to warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum tamphianum
Paphiopedilum tamphianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum thaianum
The Thai Paphiopediulum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand.
Paphiopedilum thailandense
Paphiopedilum thailandense is a medium sized cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum tigrinum
The Tiger Striped Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China.
Paphiopedilum tonsum
The Bald Paphiopedilum is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. The name refers to the flowers having no hairs.
Paphiopedilum topperi
Paphiopedilum topperi is a large warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum tortipetalum
Paphiopedilum tortipetalum is a medium sized warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum tranlienianum
Tran's Paphiopedilum is a small cold to warm growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Vietnamese Expoter of Species -.
Paphiopedilum trantuanii
Paphiopedilum trantuanii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum tridentatum
Paphiopedilum tridentatum is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum urbanianum
Urban's Paphiopedilum is a small warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Mrs. Jacinta Urban Tecson - Philippine Orchid Nurserywoman.
Paphiopedilum usitanum
Paphiopedilum usitanum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum veitchianum
Paphiopedilum veitchianum is a small warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum vejvarutianum
The Vejvarut Paphiopedilum is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to Thailand.
Paphiopedilum venusto-insigne
Paphiopedilum venusto-insigne is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum venustum
The Charming Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to India and Bhutan.
Paphiopedilum victoria-mariae
The Virgin Mary Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum victoria-regina
The Queen Victoria Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum vietenryanum
Paphiopedilum vietenryanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum vietnamense
The Vietnamese Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum villosum
The Hirsute Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum viniferum
The Wine Colored Paphiopedium is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum violascens
The Shimmering Purple Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum virens
The Greenish Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum vittatum
Paphiopedilum vittatum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum volonteanum
Volonte's Paphiopedilum is a small warm to hot growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Beligian Orchid Enthusiast and freind of Linden in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum wallisii
Paphiopedilum wallisii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum wardii
Ward's Paphiopedilum is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China and Myanmar. It is named after the English Plant Collector in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum warszewiczianum
Paphiopedilum warszewiczianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum wellesleyanum
Paphiopedilum wellesleyanum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum wenshanense
The Wenshan Paphiopedilum is a small cold to cool growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae native to China. It is named after the An area of Yunnan Province, China.
Paphiopedilum wentworthianum
Wentworth's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the English Orchid Enthusiast in the 19th century.
Paphiopedilum wilhelminae
Wilhelminha's Paphiopedium is a warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Queen of the Netherlands in the 1900's.
Paphiopedilum wilhelminiae
Paphiopedilum wilhelminiae is a warm growing terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum wolterianum
Wolter's Paphiopedilum is a medium sized warm growing lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the German Orchid Gardener.
Paphiopedilum xerophyticum
Paphiopedilum xerophyticum is a warm to hot growing lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum xichouense
Paphiopedilum xichouense is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum yappianum
Paphiopedilum yappianum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum yinjiangense
Paphiopedilum yinjiangense is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum yunnanicum
Paphiopedilum yunnanicum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum zeno
Paphiopedilum zeno is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum zieckianum
Paphiopedilum zieckianum is a small warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae.
Paphiopedilum zulhermanianum
Zulherman's Paphiopedilum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Cypripedioideae. It is named after the Discoverer of Species.