Specklinia abbreviata
Specklinia abbreviata is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
General Information
Specklinia absurda
The Absurd Specklinia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acanthodes
Specklinia acanthodes is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acicularis
Specklinia acicularis is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acoana
Specklinia acoana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acrisepala
Specklinia acrisepala is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acuminata
Specklinia acuminata is a cold growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acutidentata
Specklinia acutidentata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia acutiflora
Specklinia acutiflora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia adenochila
Specklinia adenochila is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia adirii
Specklinia adirii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia adrianae
Specklinia adrianae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia alajuelensis
Specklinia alajuelensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia alata
Specklinia alata is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia alexii
Specklinia alexii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia alligatorifera
Specklinia alligatorifera is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia alta
Specklinia alta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia amaralii
Specklinia amaralii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia amparoana
Specklinia amparoana is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ancora
Specklinia ancora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia anderssonii
Specklinia anderssonii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia angulosa
Specklinia angulosa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia angustilabia
Specklinia angustilabia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia aphthosa
Specklinia aphthosa is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia arcuata
Specklinia arcuata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia areldii
Specklinia areldii is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ariasii
Specklinia ariasii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia aristata
Specklinia aristata is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia aristulata
Specklinia aristulata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia armeniaca
Specklinia armeniaca is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia aryter
Specklinia aryter is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia asperilinguis
Specklinia asperilinguis is a cold growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia atropurpurea
Specklinia atropurpurea is a miniature to small sized cool to warm growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia attenuata
Specklinia attenuata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia aurantiaca
Specklinia aurantiaca is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia auriculata
Specklinia auriculata is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia avenacea
Specklinia avenacea is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia aveniformis
Specklinia aveniformis is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bacillaris
Specklinia bacillaris is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia barbacenensis
Specklinia barbacenensis is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia barbae
Specklinia barbae is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia barbosae
Specklinia barbosae is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia barbosana
Specklinia barbosana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia barboselloides
Specklinia barboselloides is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia barbulata
Specklinia barbulata is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia berolinensis
Specklinia berolinensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bertoniensis
Specklinia bertoniensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bicornis
Specklinia bicornis is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia biglandulosa
Specklinia biglandulosa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bipapularis
Specklinia bipapularis is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia blancoi
Specklinia blancoi is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia blepharoglossa
Specklinia blepharoglossa is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bleyensis
Specklinia bleyensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bowmanni
Specklinia bowmanni is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bowmannii
Specklinia bowmannii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia brachiloba
Specklinia brachiloba is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bradei
Specklinia bradei is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia brenneri
Specklinia brenneri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia breviscapa
Specklinia breviscapa is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia brighamella
Specklinia brighamella is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia brighamii
Specklinia brighamii is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bulbophylloides
Specklinia bulbophylloides is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia bupleurifolia
Specklinia bupleurifolia is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia burzlaffiana
Specklinia burzlaffiana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cabellensis
Specklinia cabellensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cactantha
Specklinia cactantha is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia calcarata
Specklinia calcarata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia caldensis
Specklinia caldensis is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia calderae
Specklinia calderae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia calyptrostele
Specklinia calyptrostele is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia campestris
Specklinia campestris is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia campylotyle
Specklinia campylotyle is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia candida
Specklinia candida is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia caparaoensis
Specklinia caparaoensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia capillaris
Specklinia capillaris is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia carinifera
Specklinia carinifera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia carnosifolia
Specklinia carnosifolia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia carrisii
Specklinia carrisii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia carvalhoi
Specklinia carvalhoi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia castellensis
Specklinia castellensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia casualis
Specklinia casualis is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia catoxys
Specklinia catoxys is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia caudatipetala
Specklinia caudatipetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia caulophryne
Specklinia caulophryne is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cestrochila
Specklinia cestrochila is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia chlorina
Specklinia chlorina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia chontalensis
Specklinia chontalensis is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ciliaris
Specklinia ciliaris is a miniature cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ciliifera
Specklinia ciliifera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ciliolata
Specklinia ciliolata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia citrina
Specklinia citrina is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia clandestina
Specklinia clandestina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia claviculata
Specklinia claviculata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia clavigera
Specklinia clavigera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cocornaensis
Specklinia cocornaensis is a cold to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia coeloglossa
Specklinia coeloglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia colombiana
Specklinia colombiana is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia colorata
Specklinia colorata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia comayaguensis
Specklinia comayaguensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia concinna
Specklinia concinna is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia condylata
Specklinia condylata is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia conspersa
Specklinia conspersa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia convallaria
Specklinia convallaria is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia convoluta
Specklinia convoluta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cordilabia
Specklinia cordilabia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia coripatae
Specklinia coripatae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia corniculata
Specklinia corniculata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia coronula
Specklinia coronula is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia corticicola
Specklinia corticicola is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia corynetes
Specklinia corynetes is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia costaricensis
Specklinia costaricensis is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia crebrifolia
Specklinia crebrifolia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia crenata
Specklinia crenata is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia crinita
Specklinia crinita is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cryptantha
Specklinia cryptantha is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cucumeris
Specklinia cucumeris is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia curti-bradei
Specklinia curti-bradei is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia curtisii
Specklinia curtisii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cuspidata
Specklinia cuspidata is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cycesis
Specklinia cycesis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cynocephala
Specklinia cynocephala is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia cypripedioides
Specklinia cypripedioides is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dalessandroi
Specklinia dalessandroi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia daviesii
Specklinia daviesii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia deborana
Specklinia deborana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia delicatula
Specklinia delicatula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia deltoglossa
Specklinia deltoglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia denticulata
Specklinia denticulata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia depauperata
Specklinia depauperata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia determannii
Specklinia determannii is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dichotoma
Specklinia dichotoma is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia digitale
Specklinia digitale is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dilatata
Specklinia dilatata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dimidia
Specklinia dimidia is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia diminuta
Specklinia diminuta is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia discalis
Specklinia discalis is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia displosa
Specklinia displosa is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dodii
Specklinia dodii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dolichopus
Specklinia dolichopus is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dressleri
Specklinia dressleri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dryadum
Specklinia dryadum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia duartei
Specklinia duartei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dunstervillei
Specklinia dunstervillei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia duplooyi
Specklinia duplooyi is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia dutrae
Specklinia dutrae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia echinata
Specklinia echinata is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia echinodes
Specklinia echinodes is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia elegans
Specklinia elegans is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia elegantula
Specklinia elegantula is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia emarginata
Specklinia emarginata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia endotrachys
Specklinia endotrachys is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae native to Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica.
Specklinia endresii
Specklinia endresii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ephemera
Specklinia ephemera is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia erecta
Specklinia erecta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia erosa
Specklinia erosa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia erucosa
Specklinia erucosa is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia escalerensis
Specklinia escalerensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia eugenii
Specklinia eugenii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia exesilabia
Specklinia exesilabia is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia exilis
Specklinia exilis is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ezechiasi
Specklinia ezechiasi is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fastigiata
Specklinia fastigiata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fernandiana
Specklinia fernandiana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia feuilletii
Specklinia feuilletii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia filiformis
Specklinia filiformis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fimbriata
Specklinia fimbriata is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia flexuosa
Specklinia flexuosa is a cold to cool growing epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia floribunda
Specklinia floribunda is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia florulenta
Specklinia florulenta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia flosculifera
Specklinia flosculifera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fluminensis
Specklinia fluminensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia formondii
Specklinia formondii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fornicata
Specklinia fornicata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fractiflexa
Specklinia fractiflexa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fragae
Specklinia fragae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia francesiana
Specklinia francesiana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fuchsii
Specklinia fuchsii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fuegi
Specklinia fuegi is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia fulgens
Specklinia fulgens is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia funerea
Specklinia funerea is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia furcatipetala
Specklinia furcatipetala is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia garayi
Specklinia garayi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gehrtii
Specklinia gehrtii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gelida
Specklinia gelida is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia geminiflora
Specklinia geminiflora is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gersonii
Specklinia gersonii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gert-hatschbachii
Specklinia gert-hatschbachii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ghillanyi
Specklinia ghillanyi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia githaginea
Specklinia githaginea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia glandulipetala
Specklinia glandulipetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia glandulosa
Specklinia glandulosa is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gomesii-ferreirae
Specklinia gomesii-ferreirae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gongylodes
Specklinia gongylodes is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gonzalezii
Specklinia gonzalezii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gracilenta
Specklinia gracilenta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia gracillima
Specklinia gracillima is a cold to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia graminea
Specklinia graminea is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia granulosa
Specklinia granulosa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia graveolens
Specklinia graveolens is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia grayumii
Specklinia grayumii is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia grisebachiana
Specklinia grisebachiana is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia grobyi
Specklinia grobyi is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia guanacastensis
Specklinia guanacastensis is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia guimaraensii
Specklinia guimaraensii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia haberi
Specklinia haberi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia haitiensis
Specklinia haitiensis is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hamiltonii
Specklinia hamiltonii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hastata
Specklinia hastata is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hastulata
Specklinia hastulata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia helenae
Specklinia helenae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia heliconiscapa
Specklinia heliconiscapa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia helmutii
Specklinia helmutii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia henrique-aragonii
Specklinia henrique-aragonii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia herpestes
Specklinia herpestes is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia herpethophyton
Specklinia herpethophyton is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia heterophylla
Specklinia heterophylla is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hians
Specklinia hians is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia humilis
Specklinia humilis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hygrophila
Specklinia hygrophila is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hymenantha
Specklinia hymenantha is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hypnicola
Specklinia hypnicola is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hypophylla
Specklinia hypophylla is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia hystrix
Specklinia hystrix is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ianthina
Specklinia ianthina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ichthyonekys
Specklinia ichthyonekys is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia icterina
Specklinia icterina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ignota
Specklinia ignota is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia imbeana
Specklinia imbeana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia imberbis
Specklinia imberbis is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia imbricata
Specklinia imbricata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia immersa
Specklinia immersa is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia imraei
Specklinia imraei is a warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia infinita
Specklinia infinita is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia integripetala
Specklinia integripetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia intonsa
Specklinia intonsa is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia inversa
Specklinia inversa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia involuta
Specklinia involuta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia iota
Specklinia iota is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia jalapensis
Specklinia jalapensis is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia jamaicensis
Specklinia jamaicensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia jesupii
Specklinia jesupii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia jesupiorum
Specklinia jesupiorum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia jordanensis
Specklinia jordanensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia juddii
Judd's Specklinia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the American Botanist.
Specklinia kautskyi
Specklinia kautskyi is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia kennedyi
Specklinia kennedyi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia kleinii
Specklinia kleinii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia kuhniae
Specklinia kuhniae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia laciniata
Specklinia laciniata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lagarophyta
Specklinia lagarophyta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lanceola
Specklinia lanceola is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lasioglossa
Specklinia lasioglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lateritia
Specklinia lateritia is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia latilabris
Specklinia latilabris is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia laxiflora
Specklinia laxiflora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lehmanneptis
Specklinia lehmanneptis is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lentiginosa
Specklinia lentiginosa is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia leontoglossa
Specklinia leontoglossa is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lepanthoides
Specklinia lepanthoides is a miniature cold to cool growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia leptantha
Specklinia leptantha is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia leptotifolia
Specklinia leptotifolia is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia leucopyramis
Specklinia leucopyramis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia leucosepala
Specklinia leucosepala is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lewisiae
Specklinia lewisiae is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lichenicola
Specklinia lichenicola is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lichenophila
Specklinia lichenophila is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia limbata
Specklinia limbata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia linearifolia
Specklinia linearifolia is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia linearis
Specklinia linearis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lineolata
Specklinia lineolata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lingua
Specklinia lingua is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia liparanges
Specklinia liparanges is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lipothrix
Specklinia lipothrix is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia listerophora
Specklinia listerophora is a cold to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia llamachoi
Specklinia llamachoi is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lobiserrata
Specklinia lobiserrata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia longicaulis
Specklinia longicaulis is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia longilabris
Specklinia longilabris is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia longispicata
Specklinia longispicata is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia lugduno-batavae
Specklinia lugduno-batavae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia luis-diegoi
Specklinia luis-diegoi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia luteola
Specklinia luteola is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia macayensis
Specklinia macayensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia macroblepharis
Specklinia macroblepharis is a cold to cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia maguirei
Specklinia maguirei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia malachantha
Specklinia malachantha is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia malmeana
Specklinia malmeana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia marginalis
Specklinia marginalis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia marginata
Specklinia marginata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia matinhensis
Specklinia matinhensis is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mazei
Specklinia mazei is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia medinae
Specklinia medinae is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mediocarinata
Specklinia mediocarinata is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia megaloophora
Specklinia megaloophora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia megalops
Specklinia megalops is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mentigera
Specklinia mentigera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mentosa
Specklinia mentosa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia meridana
Specklinia meridana is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia microblephara
Specklinia microblephara is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia microgemma
Specklinia microgemma is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia microphylla
Specklinia microphylla is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia microphyta
Specklinia microphyta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia microtis
Specklinia microtis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia millipeda
Specklinia millipeda is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia miniatolineolata
Specklinia miniatolineolata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia minima
Specklinia minima is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia minor
Specklinia minor is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia minuta
Specklinia minuta is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia minutalis
Specklinia minutalis is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia minutissima
Specklinia minutissima is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia miqueliana
Specklinia miqueliana is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mirabilis
Specklinia mirabilis is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia miragliae
Specklinia miragliae is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mirifica
Specklinia mirifica is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mitchellii
Specklinia mitchellii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mocoana
Specklinia mocoana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia modesta
Specklinia modesta is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia montezumae
Specklinia montezumae is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia montipelladensis
Specklinia montipelladensis is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia morenoi
Specklinia morenoi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia morganii
Specklinia morganii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mornicola
Specklinia mornicola is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mouraeoides
Specklinia mouraeoides is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia mucronata
Specklinia mucronata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia murex
Specklinia murex is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia murexoidea
Specklinia murexoidea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia muricaudata
Specklinia muricaudata is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia muscoidea
Specklinia muscoidea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia muscosa
Specklinia muscosa is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia myrticola
Specklinia myrticola is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia nanifolia
Specklinia nanifolia is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia napintzae
Specklinia napintzae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia nectarifera
Specklinia nectarifera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia neobradei
Specklinia neobradei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia niesseniae
Specklinia niesseniae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia nigriflora
Specklinia nigriflora is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia nummularia
Specklinia nummularia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia oblanceolata
Specklinia oblanceolata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia obliquipetala
Specklinia obliquipetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia oblonga
Specklinia oblonga is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia obovata
Specklinia obovata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia octophrys
Specklinia octophrys is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ophioglossoides
Specklinia ophioglossoides is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia orbicularis
Specklinia orbicularis is a miniature warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ordinata
Specklinia ordinata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ornata
Specklinia ornata is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pabstii
Specklinia pabstii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pachyphyta
Specklinia pachyphyta is a cold to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pandurifera
Specklinia pandurifera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pantherina
Specklinia pantherina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia papuligera
Specklinia papuligera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia paranaensis
Specklinia paranaensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia paranapiacabensis
Specklinia paranapiacabensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia parvifolia
Specklinia parvifolia is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pauloensis
Specklinia pauloensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pectinifera
Specklinia pectinifera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia peduncularis
Specklinia peduncularis is a miniature cool to hot growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pellifeloidis
Specklinia pellifeloidis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pemonum
Specklinia pemonum is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia peperomioides
Specklinia peperomioides is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia perangusta
Specklinia perangusta is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pereziana
Specklinia pereziana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia periodica
Specklinia periodica is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia peroupavae
Specklinia peroupavae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pertenuis
Specklinia pertenuis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia petersiana
Specklinia petersiana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia petiolaris
Specklinia petiolaris is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia petropolitana
Specklinia petropolitana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pfavii
Specklinia pfavii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia picta
Specklinia picta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pidax
Specklinia pidax is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia piraquarensis
Specklinia piraquarensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia piratiningana
Specklinia piratiningana is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pisinna
Specklinia pisinna is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia plantaginea
Specklinia plantaginea is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia platystylis
Specklinia platystylis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pleurothalloides
Specklinia pleurothalloides is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia podoglossa
Specklinia podoglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia polygonoides
Specklinia polygonoides is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia praemorsa
Specklinia praemorsa is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pristeoglossa
Specklinia pristeoglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia producta
Specklinia producta is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia prolixa
Specklinia prolixa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pseudocheila
Specklinia pseudocheila is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia psichion
Specklinia psichion is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pubipetala
Specklinia pubipetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia punctatifolia
Specklinia punctatifolia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia purpurea
Specklinia purpurea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia purpurella
Specklinia purpurella is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia purpureoviolacea
Specklinia purpureoviolacea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pusilla
Specklinia pusilla is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia puttemansii
Specklinia puttemansii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia pyrsodes
Specklinia pyrsodes is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia quadridentata
Specklinia quadridentata is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia quadrifida
Specklinia quadrifida is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia quinqueseta
Specklinia quinqueseta is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rabei
Specklinia rabei is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia radialis
Specklinia radialis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ramphastorhyncha
Specklinia ramphastorhyncha is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ramulosa
Specklinia ramulosa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia recula
Specklinia recula is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia recurva
Specklinia recurva is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia reedii
Specklinia reedii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia regalis
Specklinia regalis is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia remotiflora
Specklinia remotiflora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia repens
Specklinia repens is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia reptilis
Specklinia reptilis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia resupinata
Specklinia resupinata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic or lithophytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia retusa
Specklinia retusa is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ricii
Specklinia ricii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rigidula
Specklinia rigidula is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rinkei
Specklinia rinkei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia robertoi
Specklinia robertoi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rojohniae
Specklinia rojohniae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rostratissima
Specklinia rostratissima is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rubens
Specklinia rubens is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rubidantha
Specklinia rubidantha is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rubrolimbata
Specklinia rubrolimbata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rubrolineata
Specklinia rubrolineata is a cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia rudolfii
Specklinia rudolfii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ruschii
Specklinia ruschii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia samacensis
Specklinia samacensis is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sanchezii
Specklinia sanchezii is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sarcopetala
Specklinia sarcopetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia saundersiana
Specklinia saundersiana is a cool to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia scabrata
Specklinia scabrata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia scabripes
Specklinia scabripes is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia scariosa
Specklinia scariosa is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia schaferi
Specklinia schaferi is a cool to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia schlimii
Specklinia schlimii is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia schudelii
Specklinia schudelii is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sclarea
Specklinia sclarea is a warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sclerophylla
Specklinia sclerophylla is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia scolopax
Specklinia scolopax is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia segregatifolia
Specklinia segregatifolia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia semperflorens
Specklinia semperflorens is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia seriata
Specklinia seriata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sertularioides
Specklinia sertularioides is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia setigera
Specklinia setigera is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia setosa
Specklinia setosa is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sibatensis
Specklinia sibatensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia simmleriana
Specklinia simmleriana is a hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia simpliciflora
Specklinia simpliciflora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia simpliciglossa
Specklinia simpliciglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia simulatrix
Specklinia simulatrix is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia smaragdina
Specklinia smaragdina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sonderiana
Specklinia sonderiana is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia soratana
Specklinia soratana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sordida
Specklinia sordida is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sororcula
Specklinia sororcula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spannageliana
Specklinia spannageliana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sparsiflora
Specklinia sparsiflora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spathilabia
Specklinia spathilabia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spathulifolia
Specklinia spathulifolia is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spathuliformis
Specklinia spathuliformis is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spathuliglossa
Specklinia spathuliglossa is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spectabilis
Specklinia spectabilis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spectrilinguis
Specklinia spectrilinguis is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spiculifera
Specklinia spiculifera is a hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia spiloporphyrea
Specklinia spiloporphyrea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sprucei
Specklinia sprucei is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia steinbuchiae
Specklinia steinbuchiae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia stenophylla
Specklinia stenophylla is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia stictophylla
Specklinia stictophylla is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia stillsonii
Specklinia stillsonii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia striata
Specklinia striata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia strumosa
Specklinia strumosa is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia stumpflei
Specklinia stumpflei is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia subnulla
Specklinia subnulla is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia subpicta
Specklinia subpicta is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia subsinuata
Specklinia subsinuata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia succuba
Specklinia succuba is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia succulenta
Specklinia succulenta is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia sulphurea
Specklinia sulphurea is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia susanensis
Specklinia susanensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia syringodes
Specklinia syringodes is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tabacina
Specklinia tabacina is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tamboensis
Specklinia tamboensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tarantula
Specklinia tarantula is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tempestalis
Specklinia tempestalis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tenax
Specklinia tenax is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tenera
Specklinia tenera is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia thomasiae
Specklinia thomasiae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tigridens
Specklinia tigridens is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tortilis
Specklinia tortilis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia transparens
Specklinia transparens is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tribuloides
Specklinia tribuloides is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trichostoma
Specklinia trichostoma is a cold growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trichyphis
Specklinia trichyphis is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tricolor
Specklinia tricolor is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trifida
Specklinia trifida is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trilobata
Specklinia trilobata is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trimeropetala
Specklinia trimeropetala is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tripterantha
Specklinia tripterantha is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trulla
Specklinia trulla is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia trullifera
Specklinia trullifera is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia truncicola
Specklinia truncicola is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tsubotae
Specklinia tsubotae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia tubata
Specklinia tubata is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia turrialbae
Specklinia turrialbae is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia unduavica
Specklinia unduavica is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia unicornis
Specklinia unicornis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia uniflora
Specklinia uniflora is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia unistriata
Specklinia unistriata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ursula
Specklinia ursula is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia vaginata
Specklinia vaginata is a warm to hot growing epiphytic or terrestrial orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia variegata
Specklinia variegata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia vasquezii
Specklinia vasquezii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia verboonenii
Specklinia verboonenii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia vestita
Specklinia vestita is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia vierlingii
Specklinia vierlingii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia villosa
Specklinia villosa is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia villosilabia
Specklinia villosilabia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia violacea
Specklinia violacea is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia violaceomaculata
Specklinia violaceomaculata is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia viridiflora
Specklinia viridiflora is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia vitorinoi
Specklinia vitorinoi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia vittariifolia
Specklinia vittariifolia is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia wacketii
Specklinia wacketii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia wanderbildtiana
Specklinia wanderbildtiana is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia welteri
Specklinia welteri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia werneri
Specklinia werneri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia wrightii
Specklinia wrightii is a warm to hot growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia xanthella
Specklinia xanthella is a warm to hot growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia xerophila
Specklinia xerophila is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ximenae
Specklinia ximenae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia xyloura
Specklinia xyloura is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia yauaperyensis
Specklinia yauaperyensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia ypirangae
Specklinia ypirangae is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia yucatanensis
Specklinia yucatanensis is a cool to warm growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia yupanki
Specklinia yupanki is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Specklinia zephyrina
Specklinia zephyrina is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.