Sphyrastylis bonitensis
Sphyrastylis bonitensis is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
General Information
Sphyrastylis cryptantha
Sphyrastylis cryptantha is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis dalstromii
Sphyrastylis dalstromii is a cold to cool growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis dressleri
Sphyrastylis dressleri is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis ecuadorensis
The Ecuadorian Sphyrastylis is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis escobariana
Escobar's Sphryastylis is a cool to warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis garayi
Sphyrastylis garayi is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis hoppii
Sphyrastylis hoppii is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis oberonioides
Sphyrastylis oberonioides is an orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.
Sphyrastylis tsubotae
Tsubota's Sphyrastylis is a warm growing orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae. It is named after the Colombian Nurseryman.
Sphyrastylis urceilabris
The Jug is a cool growing epiphytic orchid belonging to the sub family Epidendroideae.